The UK’s coastal, rural towns are steeped in history and heritage, pretty harbours and a backdrop of rolling hills attract tourists in summer. However, with the loss of industries such as fishing and fish processing, and with farming becoming less profitable, younger generations have moved to cities and urban environments. This collection aims to celebrate the culture and working communities of these places, whilst also looking forward and embracing change and modernity. 

Designs are informed by blending 20th Century workwear such as tweed suits worn by farmers and modern waders worn by fishermen, with more decorative, flamboyant features inspired by flounces and structures that are reminiscent of the native flora and fauna of Pembrokeshire. Fabrics are tweeds, drills, wools, and patterns like houndstooth and check in a muted, natural colour palette of greens and browns; mixed with technical fabrics like ripstops, nylons, and silks with accent of daffodil yellow, along with prints reminiscent of butterfly wing patterns. Flounces and pleats are inserted into seams and hidden panels and are mixed with collars, sleeves, and tailored pieces, creating pieces that are both masculine and feminine, functional and fun. 

This embrace of new traditions should be welcomed and celebrated by all, and while things are changing that doesn’t mean the past will be forgotten. It’s all about the person and who they identify as.

